
"Discarded Memories" - opening reception May 19

(Pictured above, “The Spinster Sisters Do Mexico”, 40" x 40", acrylic)

I'm thrilled to be able to invite you to the unveiling of my newest series of paintings, entitled "Discarded Memories" at the Phantom Gallery on May 19.

I've always been drawn to vintage photography, often standing for ages in antique stores sifting through boxes of discarded family memories now for sale for 10 cents apiece. I have been collecting some of these photos, which have inspired this series of narrative works. Every picture tells me a story, and I try to bring it to life on canvas to pay respect to the person whose memories have been tossed aside.

Also on display will be works from artists representing the International Artist's Group - Lewis Rice, Piotr Wolodkowicz, Alan Emerson Hicks, Jolanta Nawrocka, Ruyell Ho and Mark Matejko. It's going to be a fantastic show!

Opening Reception

When: Saturday, May 19 2012, 7pm - 10pm
Where: Phantom Gallery at 4161 North Damen, Chicago
RSVP: rochelle@rochellewcarr.com

This group show runs May 19 - June 10.

Gallery hours are as follows:
Monday through Friday, 6pm - 8pm
Saturday and Sunday, 1pm - 5pm
Also available by appointment


Now showing in Lincoln Park

On Thursday I installed my paintings at the new art gallery opening soon in Lincoln Park. It's called "Fortunate Discoveries", it's located at 1022 W Armitage, and is a similar business model to the Andersonville Galleria. I've signed a lease and I get a wall all to myself.

Fortunate Discoveries' focus is original artwork of all types. I am one of a few 2D artists showing there, and there are jewelers, photographers, sculptors, potters and more. It's a pretty fab place!

All the artists are installing their work this week. I decided to focus on my florals, still lifes and cheery landscapes seeing that spring has made an early appearance here in Chicago. If all goes well Fortunate Discoveries opens doors within a week. Soft opening meet and greet with the neighbors is April 1 and grand opening is Friday night, May 4 from 6-9pm. Hope to see you all there!


Portraits make incomparable gifts

Last month I was commissioned to create a double portrait. My new client wanted to give a very special gift to his partner. This man had lost his mother years ago, and even though his father has since remarried, a family portrait of them still hangs in his father's house. She was a very special woman who is greatly missed. My client photographed the framed image last time they visited his partner's father and commissioned me to make a portrait in time to give as a birthday gift. I was really pleased with the finished product and even more pleased to hear how the gift was received. Thank you to my new clients! You made my day!

Here is the note my client sent me:


Today was (his) birthday and the unveiling of your work. He loved the painting! Words cannot do justice to his overall reaction, but know it was an awesome feeling. Now comes the daunting task of finding a place worthy of this piece but I'm sure it will be on display shortly.

Thank you again for a wonderful job – giving him the gift of his parents, memorialized in watercolor, was awesome. You were truly a pleasure to work with and I knew you were the right person for the job – the fact that this project excited you from inception made me confident I chose the right artist.

I've attached your work framed... I hope you like.

I do like! great choice in frame! Thanks again!


Winter in Chicago

Winter in Chicago, where are you? There's been so little snow this year I used a photo from last year's snow to create this painting. After a snow fall I like to walk through the city streets and green spaces and see what catches my eye. There's almost always something that grabs my interest so I try to remember to bring my camera at all times. There is a big park near me and these trees were still covered with red berries, which were so striking against the white snow background.

Pictured above, "Winterberries", watercolor.


Pet portraits from photos

I recently finished two new pet portraits. A portrait makes a wonderfully personal keepsake to remember someone who has passed to to commemorate a beautiful moment in your life.

The portrait of Allie below was completed some months ago but was only just given as a gift over the weekend for the owner's birthday. I knew this cat personally - I used to cat-sit for Allie as she and her owner, my good friend Barbara, used to be my neighbors. Allie had the most beautiful blue eyes, so I chose a bright blue background to really make her eyes pop. Barbara's mother commissioned the painting so I had to keep the portrait on the hush hush until the gift was received but now I'm free to post it. We all miss you Allie!

The dog portrait was a gift I gave to my good friend John this weekend. He lost Bernie (the dog on the right) just a month ago. I had already planned to do a portrait of the dogs for John's birthday - I took the source photo back in November. But now that Bernie has passed the gift is even more poignant. Bernie - most wonderful of dogs - you are greatly missed!

I personally love doing portraits and love to try and find the soul in each subject. I have recently offered a donation of a series 9 pet portraits to Felines & Canines, a nearby pet shelter, to serve as featured art in their new facility currently under construction. Stay tuned for posts following my progress in creating these nine images.

Allie - portrait, monoprint with watercolor and collage

Allie - portrait, monoprint with watercolor and collage

Nina & Bernie - portrait, monoprint with watercolor and collage

Nina & Bernie - portrait, monoprint with watercolor and collage



Remembering Grandma

This Christmas, to commemorate the passing of my wonderful Grandma Gertrude 10 years ago, I did a couple portraits of her to give to family members.

I had wonderful source material - my mother had taken a series of beautiful black/white photo of Grandma years ago, so that was my starting point.

Making the paintings was a wonderful experience for me - it actually felt that I was both honoring her memory and communicating directly with her over the last couple days as I perfected her soft cheeks, her direct gaze and her arthritic hands.

My grandmother was a dear woman, greatly missed by all who knew her. Love you Grandma!

portraits from photography, watercolor artist, modern artist

Grandma Gertrude with patterns - portraits from photography


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