
Add another crinkle

Still working on the masa crinkled paper technique - I did another in my "Row of Trees" series. I really like how this technique adds a weathered feeling to the painting, an integrated texture that seems to really enhance a landscape painting.

It's funny working with this technique as you really have to be prepared to just roll with whatever happens, more so than in standard watercolor painting. Not only does the color creep across the page as it moves in the wet, but it also runs along the lines of the crinkles.

In this case I think the effect is what I was after. I wanted to catch the feeling of early morning sun casting long shadows against a row of trees. The crinkles seem to add an emotional element to it - almost like a moment remembered from another time - a reminiscence of something pleasant you saw once.

Pictured above, "Shadows", by Rochelle Weiner - watercolor on Masa paper crinkle technique


Flying dreams

I've been doing a lot of sketching lately - I have been getting inspiration to do a series based on narratives that spring from my dreams. For years now I've been having dreams of flying. Sometimes I'm in a flying contraption, sometimes I'm just floating above the street, sometimes I'm really high, sometimes I'm just above the treetops. What these dreams have in common is I'm always on my own and I'm always unseen by those below.

I've read a lot of interpretations of flying dreams but my favorite is that dreams of flying indicate reaching for higher goals. Nice.

My little sketchbook is full of quick sketches and notes of ideas for this series. I finally put one on paper, see below.

Pictured above, "Dreamflight" - watercolor on Arches 140lb paper


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