Love this image - painting to follow soon!
I admit it. I trespassed into my neighbors yard today. I seriously couldn't help myself.
Everyday, I sit in my office working at my computer, and my view out the window is of the homes across the street. Lately, I've been distracted by the most amazing peony bush that seems to have sprouted overnight next to my neighbor's front steps. That bush is literally drooping with these wonderful, heavy, huge pink blooms. I had to run across the street, camera in hand, hoping not to get caught out.
I have always enjoyed taking photos, particularly since digital cameras came on the scene. I love that I can capture images and see the result immediately (yes, I do struggle daily with the lure of instant gratification). But this year since I've began painting in earnest, my camera is always in my bag. I love to stop and grab shots whenever I see something that interests me, and then I go home and paint it. I think nothing of stopping the car on the highway to snap that perfect shot of a sunset or a beautiful view, and yes trespassing into a yard to get a close up of a beautiful garden. This morning, that inspiration presented itself in my neighbor's yard.
So - very sorry neighbor - but it's for a good cause! the cause of art! (See finished paintings here.)